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Book Review Recap

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You Can If You Think You Can
(April 2021)

Written By:  Norman Vincent Peale


Acclaimed writer, Norman Vincent Peale, author of the bestselling classic, The Power of Positive Thinking, has written another inspirational book titled: YOU CAN IF YOU THINK YOU CAN.  In this book, Dr. Peale provides dramatic, heartwarming stories of people of all ages and all walks of life who transformed their lives and careers by following the author’s philosophy of positive thinking. In these stories Dr. Peale reveals how to develop the vital knowledge and insight of our inner power to see us through every obstacle life presents.  An uplifting and encouraging read. 

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Synchronicity as Spiritual Guidance

(March 2021)

Written By:  Mark Thurston, Ph.D.


Authored by spiritual writer, Mark Thurston, this book offers guidance resources which come from both the external world around us and our own intuitive voices.  The resources are designed to assist us in making decisions in an often chaotic and confusing world. Thurston employs the principle of synchronicity (coincidences with meaning) defined by eminent psychologist, Carl Jung, decades ago. The author maintains that synchronicity is a universal, connecting law that allows us to be responsibly involved with the physical world but equally responsive to the invisible spiritual realm. Synchronicity provides noteworthy guidance by presenting us with a remarkable match of our outer life events with a profound intuitive sense that in this match something meaningful and revelatory is at work in our life experiences.  Synchronicity reassures us that we are not alone in navigating our life issues rather that we are connected to an ordered force or spiritual influence at work in our lives.  Thurston teaches us numerous methods to be alert to synchronicity.  A complex yet inspiring read for those seeking a tutorial on this fascinating subject!  

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The Greatest Salesman in the World

(February 2021)

Written By:  OG Mandino


The Greatest Salesman in the World is a quick, inspiring and life changing read.  It touched my heart so much it brought tears to my eyes!  It's a story about a poor camel boy, Hafid, who rises to success and achieves a life of abundance by mastering 10 scrolls given to him by Pathos, a successful trader in Jerusalem.  After years of studying these ancient scrolls and their principles, Hafid not only becomes an extremely wealthy salesman, he also acquires great spiritual and mental wealth which is so important. The scrolls lay out timeless principles for salesmanship and personal success.  OG Mandino states:  "The only difference between those who have failed and those who have succeeded lies in the difference of their habits.  Good habits are the key to all success.  Bad habits are the unlocked door to failure."  Mandino suggests reading Scroll I three times a day for thirty days straight.  Continuing to Scroll II once the thirty days have been completed and so forth through Scroll X.  With dedication and effort anyone can learn these life altering principles that will surely bring success, abundance and a new outlook to your life!  

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The Universe Has Your Back

(January 2021)

Written By:  Gabrielle Bernstein


In her amazing, uplifting book, Bernstein teaches us her method to transform fear to faith in our quest to manifest our dreams. In her own life experience, the author hoping to rid herself of habitual “panic attacks,” had an enlightened moment where she realized through meditation and journaling, that her panic attacks were the result of her unconscious resistance to love and freedom; that her inner resistance to happiness had created a lingering darkness in her thoughts. Bernstein’s book takes us on a journey from fear and limitation to light and empowerment.  A really enjoyable book!

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Dear Universe (December 2020)

Written By:  Sarah Prout


This book provides 200 Mini-Meditations designed for instant Manifestations. Based on the Law of Attraction, the author credits her own personal and professional success
to her belief that “what we think determines what we experience.”  The book is a spiritual guide and resource for positive manifestations.  Each of the 200 affirmations is designed to help one rise above fear and focuses on one single emotional word like “powerless” or “disappointed” or “alienated” etc.  Prout’s message to her readers is that we manifest through our connection to the Universe and by empowering our emotions to create the life of our dreams.  Dear Universe, is a great inspirational read!

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Infinite Possibilities (November 2020)

Written By:  Mike Dooley


Mike Dooley’s book is a manifesto to his philosophy that thoughts become things and what we visualize we experience.  In his humorous, practical yet upbeat writing style, Dooley provides practical guidance and detailed examples of how you are the author of your life experience. He maintains that you are the master artist of your life journey, unconsciously but continually rearranging the images on your life canvas with brushstrokes of thought.  Unlike other books dealing with the idea that you are what you think in more academic and complicated dialogue, Dooley takes us on a fun filled and wondrous adventure through a field of unlimited possibilities as we turn within and become aware of our infinite potential to create our own reality, fate and luck!  Inspiring us to master our powerful unlimited imaginations, Dooley challenges us to explore unexpected pathways to a bold, exciting and fulfilling way of living.

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Who Moved My Cheese? (October 2020)

Written By: Spencer Johnson, M.D.

Who Moved My Cheese?  is an edifying story about four mice who live in a “Maze” and look for “Cheese” to nourish them and bring happiness to their lives.  For me, the title was so fitting because I looked at “Cheese” as the goal and the “Maze” as the steps you take to reach that goal.  The world of these little mice is turned upside down with changes they don’t know how to handle except for one.  This optimistic little mouse chooses to look at this uncertainty with positivity and sets out to find a new way.  This quick read guides you on how you can handle daunting changes in your life while still being gentle and easygoing with yourself.

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Love Cycles, Fear Cycles (September 2020)

Written By: David & Deborah Woodsfellow

Ahhh relationships!  The beginning is always sunshine and roses but as time goes on things usually get a bit bumpy and uncomfortable.  The peaks and valleys of a relationship are simplified into two cycles in this book, the Love Cycle and the Fear Cycle.  Doctors David and Deborah Woodsfellow dive deep into what these two recurring cycles entail as well as how to manage them.  Both our fear and love cycles usually derive from our childhood and what we witnessed and experienced growing up.  It's a fascinating and eye-opening discovery into finding out what your own cycles are and how they affect you.  This literally changes the dynamic of your relationship and when practiced will get you and your partner back to happy!

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The Compound Effect (August 2020)

Written By: Darren Hardy

Where has this book been all my life?!  The Compound Effect is based on the premise that decisions shape our fate and that little, everyday choices will guide you to your dream life or down a path of catastrophe.  The basics needed to attain the life you've always envisioned are segmented in an easy straight to the point manner.  Shortly afterwards I began implementing these ideologies in my day to day habits and practices.  It wasn't long before I began to see the magic of The Compound Effect take shape!

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The Surrender Experiment (July 2020)

Written By: Michael A. Singer

Just let go and let life call the shots?  No, that’s crazy.  How can I completely release control…?  Well after reading this book, you can.  The Surrender Experiment is a spectacular account of when Michael A. Singer {the author} embarked upon a deep spiritual rebirth which entailed relinquishing his personal preferences and letting life make the decisions.  The challenges he experiences would make anyone uncertain of ‘letting go’.  But, the outcome of when he does is miraculous.  This book will make you confront your personal views and expectations about life. It will also influence a more positive outlook on your life than you could have ever imagined.

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